ISDA Documentation Fundamentals


Two-day course of detailed ISDA contract analysis and practical strategies for those that work with the ISDA documentation.


A full day of three sessions spent with GuyLaine Charles, a lawyer with over 25 years of financial services experience. You will be introduced to possible ISDA documentation pitfalls and successful ISDA negotiation strategies.  GuyLaine holds answers to your questions.

In this course, you will learn:

  • the single agreement concept:  The structure of the ISDA documentation, how it all works together, and the benefit of transactions based on a master agreement
  • the differences between the 1992 & 2002 ISDA and how your client can address them
  • ensuring your counterparty cannot exercise its default remedies based on your client’s technical default
  • negotiating adequate assurance provisions to ensure your client is not subject to unbounded liability
  • the circumstances in which a party can declare Force Majeure under an ISDA Master Agreement
  • The various products that can be traded under the ISDA, including natural gas, electricity, crypto currency,  emissions allowances, and renewable energy certificates.



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