Fundamentals of Project Economics

Project Economics Fundamentals

Key Facts

Dates: TBA
Venue: TBA
CPE Credits: 8
Fee: $895 + GST.

Participants have the option of attending 1, 2, or 3 one-day courses.

$895 + GST for Fundamentals of Project Economics

$1695 + GST for FPE+ one of either Financial Literacy for the Energy Industry or Fundamentals of Risk Assessment

$2495 + GST for FPE, FL, & FRA.

Application Process: Click here to register.

Course Contact: If you have any questions about this course, e-mailor phone 403-457-0260.

Overview and Description

Participants will learn how to analyze the economics of a project using the most modern techniques and develop sound rationales for their presentation. The course is designed for staff with capital project decision responsibility, authority, or influence, as well as those who are involved in business case preparation. The course is ideal for experienced managers, directors, and corporate officers who regularly develop and present budgets, business plans, and recommendations. Financial staff, project managers, analysts, and consultants would also benefit.

Project Economics topics include:

  • The strategic context
  • The time value of money
  • Evaluation of alternative investment metrics
  • The rationale for the use of the net present value/weighted average cost of capital model
  • Specification of the project time horizon
  • Estimation of the timing and magnitude of Free Cash Flows
  • Estimation of the cost of capital
  • Computation of Net Present Value
  • Analysis of project risk

The Project Economics  course uses a mix of lectures, illustrations, and group discussions revolving around a complex oil sands project. The course is interactive and delivered through face-to-face instruction. The course facilitator is a noted energy industry specialist.

Please note that though there is no prerequisite for this course, some basic knowledge of financial terms and financial statements is recommended.

Oak Leaf Energy Training offers oil and gas training and energy courses across Canada – Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Vancouver, and Toronto.