




Oil & gas training courses and energy courses

Oak Leaf Energy Training provides public and in-house courses to people involved in the energy industry. We offer professional courses on global energy issues, the North American oil & gas industry, unconventional energy such as natural gas shale plays, and the Canadian oil sands.  We also provide training in the ISDA documentation, renewable energy, electricity, and are featuring two new courses: Carbon & Energy — Towards Net-Zero and Natural Gas Production for Technical Staff.  Oak Leaf has trained thousands of people at over 200 organizations throughout North America; we have held public courses in Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Vancouver, Regina, and Toronto. Now we offer ONLINE options, too.

Learn from the best

All Oak Leaf trainers have two things in common: significant careers within the energy industry and successful experience as instructors. We are interested in speaking to people that are experts in new, emerging areas of energy. If you have an idea for a new course, lets chat about developing that idea into an educational offering of use to government, the energy industry, and other organizations. Contact us at jwr@oakleaftraining.com


Our Clients

Over 200 organizations — major oil & gas companies, utilities, governments, and NGO’s — have sent their personnel to Oak Leaf courses since our incorporation in 2010.


Oak Leaf Energy Training presents oil & gas training courses and renewable energy courses across Canada: Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Regina, Vancouver and Toronto.  We now offer ONLINE courses.